Orthopaedic physiotherapy - Pediatric and perineal rehabilitation centre

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Kinésithérapie orthopédique

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Phone : +352516180

Paediatric services
Centre de rééducation pédiatrique et périnéale (CRPP - CRO - CRV) - Cabinets de kinésithérapie Hardy au Luxembourg (Dudelange et Belval) - Kinésithérapie orthopédique
Orthopaedic physiotherapy

This type of rehabilitation is destined to children suffering from :

- deformation or malformation of the feet, such as clubbed feet, convex feet, varus feet, metatarsus adductus feet, talipes feet, flat feet, cavus foot, ...
- Postural or congenital muscular torticollis. These torticollis can lead to a deformation of the skull called plagiocephaly. These deformations are reversible mainly during the first year of the baby's life. Treatment will be more efficient during the first six months of life, which correspond to the most intense period of cranial growth and therefore to the most opportune period for modification, but a later treatment would also be conceivable.
- Congenital pathologies of the superior limb: brachial plexus, scapula alta (raised shoulder blades), radial or ulnar dysplasia...
- Hip dysplasia or dislocation
- Lower-extremity torsional abnormalities: femoral anteversion (child sits in a W shape), tibial torsion (toes pointing inwards), valgus knees (knees in an X shape), varum knees (cowboy legs), genu flexum (defect when extending the knee), genu recurvatum (hyperextension in the knee),
- Arthrogryposis (congenital stiffness in at least three joints which often gives a "claw" aspect)
- Pathologies affecting the torso: kyphotic or scoliotic posture, neurological scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, Scheuermann's disease, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis...
- Juvenile rheumatic pathology: Still's disease, oligoarthritis, polyarthritis, various juvenile arthritis
- Sports pathologies specific to children: Sindig-Larsen disease, Osgood-Schlatter disease, panner disease (painful elbow), Kohler disease, Freiberg disease, Legg-Perthes-Calve disease (hip necrosis), mac master...
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