Pregnancy - Pediatric and perineal rehabilitation centre

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Phone : +352516180

Perineal services
Centre de rééducation pédiatrique et périnéale (CRPP - CRO - CRV) - Cabinets de kinésithérapie Hardy au Luxembourg (Dudelange et Belval) - Grossesse

During pregnancy, the baby will take up more space and will stretch all the internal structures, starting with the abdominals, the pelvic floor, the gastrointestinal and urinary systems such as the bladder and the rectum, as well as all the ligament structure, which can provoke urinary leaks and constipation.

When giving birth, it is possible to undergo either an episiotomy (the section of muscles which allow the baby's passage) or a tear, which makes the pelvic floor muscles weaker.

In our Paediatric and Perineal Rehabilitation Centre (CRPP), in Belval and Dudelange, our team of physiotherapists use different types of rehabilitation to prevent and treat these different symptoms.
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