Respiratory physiotherapy - Pediatric and perineal rehabilitation centre

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Kinésithérapie respiratoire

To make an appointment
or enquiries
Phone : +352516180

Paediatric services
Centre de rééducation pédiatrique et périnéale (CRPP - CRO - CRV) - Cabinets de kinésithérapie Hardy au Luxembourg (Dudelange et Belval) - Kinésithérapie respiratoire
Respiratory physiotherapy

This type of rehabilitation is destined to children :

Suffering from acute respiratory pathologies: bronchiolitis, bronchitis, rhinitis…
Suffering from mucoviscidosis,
Suffering from neuromuscular diseases which cause respiratory problems (spinal amyotrophy, myopathies, muscular dystrophy…).

In the Paediatric and Perineal Rehabilitation Centre - CRPP in Dudelange and Belval, we follow a principle of painless rehabilitation thanks to gentle techniques of respiratory cleansing, such as :

autogenic drainage (this technique allows the child to breath at different lung volumes and to mobilize secretions)
ELTGOL (slow expiration with open glottis)
kinetic respiratory exercises (fractionated breathing exercises, apnoea…), etc.
With older children we also work on correcting posture so as to improve efficiency in breathing: opening of the torso, stretching of the shoulders, working on the diaphragm…

Parents will also receive different advice: how to correctly undertake a nasal rinse, a description of warning signs in the case of a respiratory issue worsening…
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